Set an Item to Active or Inactive


Activate or deactivate an item or a batch of items in the system.

How to change the status of an item

  1. From the dashboard, open the relevant item's edit screen.
  2. To set it to active:
    • Click Assist - Set Active in the sidebar.
  3. To set it to inactive:
    • Click Assist - Set Inactive in the sidebar.

Please note

  • Set Apply To Children as true to apply the new status to all linked children items.
  • Set Apply To Details as true to apply the new status to all linked details, such as spares.

How to change the status of multiple items

  1. From the dashboard, select multiple items in the grid.
  2. Click Assist in the sidebar, then click either Set Active or Set Inactive, depending on which status you want to change the batch to.

As a result

  • When an item is set to active, its Is Active checkbox is selected.
  • When an item is set to inactive, its Is Active checkbox is deselected.

Keep in mind

  • The ability to change the Is Active status for a batch of items is only available on certain entities and recursive dashboards.