View Change Log Values


View the updated field values for a specific business object.

How to view Change Log values

  1. For the global Change Log:
    • From the On Key main menu, click System Management - Change Log. The Record Change Dashboard opens.
    • Select a record in the grid, then click Values in the toolbar.
  2. For the Entity Change Log: 
    • Navigate to the relevant entity in On Key.
    • Make changes to a record.
    • Select the record in the grid or open its edit screen, then in the sidebar click Assist - View Change Log.
    • Expand the applicable entry in the Entity Change Log to view the field values.

As a result

  • The list of fields that were modified display.

Keep in mind

  • The global Change Log displays all the records that have been created, updated and deleted, whereas the Entity Change Log displays only the updates made to a specific record.
  • One record could display multiple Change Log values.
  • From the global Change Log, you're able to see values for records that were updated or deleted, but not for records that were created.
  • From the Entity Change Log, you will only see the values for records that were updated.