
A user is a person who's allowed to log in to On Key. Users are classified by security roles and operational roles.

Users have access rights to system functions, based on the security roles that are assigned to the user. The permissions on a security role govern what a user can and cannot do in On Key. Custom permissions can also be assigned to specific users in special cases.

Operational roles are allocated to a user to determine what profile the user will default to. A user could have multiple operational roles linked or none. The profiles on an operational role govern what a user can see in On Key and the Operational Role Rule setting on the user determines what profiles a user has access to.

Configuring Users

When creating new users in On Key, these are the types of users that can be created:

  1. Administrators

  2. Set the user to be an administrator by enabling the Is Administrator setting. This means that the user will have permissions to the entire system, therefore the assigning of security roles is not applicable.

    To clear the Is Administrator setting, click Assist - Clear Administrator.
  3. Non-Admin Users (e.g. super users)

  4. If the user only has access rights to specific system functions in On Key, then leave Is Administrator disabled and allocate security roles and optional custom permissions. This defines what the user can and cannot do in On Key. Refer to Security Roles and User Custom Permissions for more information.

    If the assigned security roles are permission tree roles (with Is Permission Tree Role enabled), then define the specific permission trees that apply. This indicates that permissions will apply to records with that permission tree. For non-permission tree roles, Is Permission Tree Role must be disabled. Refer to User Security Roles for more information.  

The following can be configured on the user but is optional:

  1. Assign a Site to the user. This is a physical site that the user is associated with.
  2. Configure the Regional Settings for Content Translate and Default Language.
  3. Set the Operational Role Rule on the user to determine what profiles the user has access to.
  4. Allocate optional operational roles to the user. This governs what profiles the user will default to and what the user can see in On Key. Refer to Operational Roles for more information.
  5. Set optional user options for the user. They enable you to configure global settings on the user that apply to various functions in On Key. Refer to User Options for more information.
  6. When the user configuration is complete, send an invite to the user to give them access to On Key, and start the onboarding and authentication process. Refer to Onboarding and Authentication for more information.
  7. Once the user is authenticated and logged into On Key, the Authentications tab on the user will be autopopulated with the authentication provider. Refer to User Authentications for more information.