Grid Tools

A grid is one of the formats in which data can be displayed on a dashboard. Records are arranged in a grid list containing columns for specific fields. Below is a description of these tools that are available on a grid:


Grouping enables you to categorise records by field and organise records into a hierarchy, according to the order in which columns are grouped.

For example, you might want to group work orders according to their status and associated asset, so that you can identify all the assets which has work in the "Approved" state.

Grouping is performed by dragging columns to the grouping bar above the grid. Drag and drop the column headers, one by one, in the desired hierarchical sequence on the grouping bar. The records in the grid will be grouped accordingly. To remove the grouping, click the close button associated with the column header on the grouping bar.


You can sort the data in a grid column into ascending or descending sequence.

Sort the data in a column by clicking the column header. Click the column header to toggle between ascending and descending sequence. Click once to sort the column data in descending order, twice to sort the column data in ascending order and three times to clear the sorting.

A black arrow icon on the column header indicates that sorting is applied to the column.


Filter the items in a grid to display records with specific data field values.

Click in the toolbar or column header to access the filter function. From here, you can define the values by which the data in the grid should be filtered.

An orange filter icon on the column header indicates that filtering is applied to the column.

Inline Editing

This enables you to edit records on a cell-level, directly in the grid. The inline editing functionality turns the grid into a spreadsheet-like format, so that you can edit data in the individual cells of the grid. So, you can quickly and easily update certain fields on a record directly on the grid.

The inline editing functionality adheres to On Key rules. So, if a field is read-only then it will remain read-only during inline editing or when a field is a lookup, then the lookup will be available at the cell during inline editing.

Click in the toolbar to enable inline editing, then select the applicable cells and make the necessary updates. A pencil icon will display at the row where changes have been made. Click Save to save your changes; the edited cells will be updated in the grid. When done, click Exit Inline Editing to close inline editing.

Open a New Tab

This function allows you to open an entity in an editable grid by Right- Clicking on an entity and select Open a new Tab and the Edit screen will appear. Refer to Screens for more information. The URL that are generated can be used as a deep linking URL, meaning the URL can be sent via email or message and another authenticated user (if they have the required permission) can click on the link and open the record.