
Right-clicking provides an additional way of accessing certain functions. These functions can also be accessed using alternative methods, such as from Assist or the toolbar.

The right-click functionality is only available on tree structures and can be accessed from these trees in On Key:

  • Asset tree
  • Asset type tree
  • Document tree
  • Permission tree
  • Site tree.

Right-clicking an entity in the tree structure opens the context menu. Based on the tree you're on and the entity you are right-clicking, you may see any combination of these functions:


Use the Create function to add an item to the entity you are right-clicking. The options in the Create context menu will vary, depending on where it was accessed from.


The Browse function provides access to the recursive dashboards, which enables you to view other items that are associated with the entity you are right-clicking.

The Recursive Dashboard is filtered, so it could display all the tasks for a specific asset, for example. From here, you can perform various actions on the filtered data, as needed. Use the breadcrumb trail to return to the tree.

The options in the Browse context menu will vary, depending on where it was accessed from.

Development Status

The Development Status function allows you to Accept, Reject or Synchronise an entity's development changes, or place an entity in a specific development status.

Conditions Matrix

The Conditions Matrix function opens the Conditions Matrix Dashboard, which displays all the conditions on the right-clicked entity, from that point down. From here, you can use the breadcrumb trail to return to the tree.

Add To Compare

The Add To Compare function queues the right-clicked entity for comparison, so that it can be added to and viewed in the Comparison Table.


The Refresh function refreshes the entity to include any changes that have been made.


The Move function moves the right-clicked entity to a different entity.

Move To

The Move To function moves the entity that has been selected to move to the right-clicked entity.

Change Asset Type

The Change Asset Type function changes the asset type of the right-clicked entity. The Change Asset Type screen displays, and you can select the new Regular Asset Type Code from the lookup list. Set Keep Original Root Items as true to keep the original root items of the previous asset type.


The Rename function allows you to rename the right-clicked entity.

Open in New Tab

The Open in New Tab function allows you to select an entity on the tree dashboard, and this will open a new browser with an expanded view, or when you click on a recursive dashboard, the Edit screen will appear. Refer toScreens for more information.