
A profile is a custom view of any screen in On Key. Profiles allow a user to group, sort, filter and view the records in different ways, without having to recreate the settings each time the screen is opened. A profile can include filters, sort orders, summarised groups and visible fields.

Profiles enable you to customise the way the On Key user interface displays data. You're able to do the following:

Import a Profile

A user can import a singular or multiple profiles.

Export a Profile

A user can export a profile.

Save a Profile

A user can save a profile depending on their user settings. There are three restriction levels by which a profile is classified, on saving, and they determine whether the profile can be viewed and edited. The three restriction levels are:

  1. Private

  2. This means that only the user who created the profile can see the profile and edit it.

  3. Public Read-Only

  4. This means that all users can see the profile but only the user who created the profile can edit it.

  5. Public

  6. This means that all users can see and edit the profile.

When a profile is saved, it can then be linked to an operational role but this is not required.

You can create profiles for Edit, Create and Preview screens via the Screen Designer.

Select a Profile

The profile picker, which is accessed by clicking Profiles in the sidebar, lists multiple types of profiles that the user can select and use. On Key uses four types of profiles:

  1. Private Profiles

  2. These are all the user profiles that were classified as "Private".

  3. Operational Role Profiles

  4. These are all the profiles that are linked to the user's operational roles. There could be multiple operational roles linked to one user, in which case each profile will fall into its related operational role grouping. Where one profile is linked to multiple operational roles, the profile will be duplicated in the user's profile picker.

  5. Public Profiles

  6. These are all custom profiles that users create, that are classified as "Public" or "Public Read-only" and are not linked to operational roles.

  7. System Profiles

  8. These are the default profiles that On Key is released with. System profiles are not displayed in the profile picker.

A user might see all profiles (personal, operational role, public and system) or just their own personal and operational role profiles, depending on how their operational roles are set up.

Edit a Profile

A user can only edit profiles that they've created, as well as all public profiles.

Defaults per screen:

  • A user can only select one default per screen. The operational role might have defaults set on it but this is overridden once the user defines a new default.
  • A user can only select a default profile that is linked to an operational role. So, if the user does not have any linked operational roles, then the user cannot set up any defaults.
  • The sequence runtime usage (when launching a screen) will first look at the operational role user defaults, then look at the operational role defaults.

User Settings

The operational roles that are linked to a user govern what profile the user will default to, as well as what the user can see in On Key. A user could have multiple operational roles linked or none.

The Operational Role Rule setting on the user governs what profiles a user has access to. A user's Operational Role Rule could either be "Strict", meaning they will only be able to see profiles linked to their operational role; "Limited", meaning they are only restricted for certain screens; or "Open", meaning they have no restrictions and are able to see all groupings.

The tables below define whether a user can save, use and assign a specific type of profile, based on their Operational Role Rule setting. Refer to:

Additionally, for information on the permissions a user requires in conjunction with the Operational Role Rule setting, refer to:

Can you save a profile?

  Strict Limited Open
Private No Only for screens where the user does not have profiles assigned to their operational role. Yes
Public Read-Only No Only for screens where the user does not have profiles assigned to their operational role. Yes
Public No Only for screens where the user does not have profiles assigned to their operational role. Yes
Operational Role No Only for screens where the user does not have profiles assigned to their operational role. Yes

So, say a user's Operational Role Rule is "Limited" and a profile for a work order screen is assigned to that user's operational role, for example, then the user cannot create a new profile for work orders.

Can you use a profile?

  Strict Limited Open
Private No User can see or use their own profiles when there is no other profile (screen or resource) of that type in their operational role. User can see or use their own profiles.
Public Read-Only No User can see or use other users' profiles when there is no other profile (screen or resource) of that type in their operational role. User can see or use other users' profiles.
Public No User can see or use other users' profiles when there is no other profile (screen or resource) of that type in their operational role. User can see or use other users' profiles.
Operational Role User can only see or use profiles that are assigned to them. User can only use what is in their operational role for that type. User can see or use profiles in their own operational roles and in other users' operational roles.

Can you assign a profile?

  Strict Limited Open
Private User has no access to assign. Only in areas where this user has no profiles assigned.

When a profile is saved as "Private", then it can be linked to a user operational role and only the user who created the profile will be able to see it. It can only be linked to user operational roles that the user has access to.

It should not be linked directly to an operational role because then it can be set as the default. However, it will still display in the profile picker of other users but they cannot use it.
When a profile is saved as "Private", then it can be linked to a user operational role and only the user who created the profile will be able to see it. It can only be linked to user operational roles that the user has access to.

It should not be linked directly to an operational role because then it can be set as the default. However, it will still display in the profile picker of other users but they cannot use it.
Public Read-Only User has no access to assign. Only in areas where this user has no profiles assigned. Yes
Public User has no access to assign. Only in areas where this user has no profiles assigned. Yes
Operational Role User has no access to assign. Only in areas where this user has no profiles assigned.

When the profile is either "Public" or "Public Read-Only", then it can be linked to multiple operational roles but this is not required.
When the profile is either "Public" or "Public Read-Only", then it can be linked to multiple operational roles but this is not required.

Can you create, update or delete a profile?

A user can create profiles if their Operational Role Rule is "Limited" or "Open". If the Operational Role Rule is "Strict", then the user cannot create any type of profile.

Furthermore, there are two permissions which govern the user's ability to create public profiles. These are non-tree permissions, as follows:

  • Save Public Profile
  • Save Public Resource Action.

These permissions will only have an effect where the Operational Role Rule is "Limited" or "Open", as only these users can create profiles. Both permissions are needed to be able to perform the following actions:

  • Create a profile as "Public" or "Public Read-Only".
  • Update or delete a "Public" profile.
  • Update or delete a "Public Read-Only" profile, where you are the owner.
  • Make a profile "Public" or "Public Read-Only", which is done in the profile manager.

Refer to Operational Roles and Users for more information.