This course will take you through the steps to completing profiles in On Key 5.
Duration: 2 hours
Duration (Notional Hours): 2
Course Mode of Delivery: Elearning
Accreditation status: No
How must the course hours be allocated?: Course
Course Cost (R): 285
This is an elearning course which means that you will be doing this course on your own. You will access the course components on the learning management system (LMS) and work through the content at your own pace.
Duration: 2 hours
Duration (Notional Hours): 2
Course Mode of Delivery: Elearning
Accreditation status: No
How must the course hours be allocated?: Course
Course Cost (R): 290
In this course you will learn how to log in to On Key 5 and how to use the On Key 5 Help File. You will also become familiar with the On Key 5 user interface and will discover the various tools and items that are available and how to use them.
Duration: 3 hours
Duration (Notional Hours): 3
Course Mode of Delivery: Elearning
Accreditation status: No
How must the course hours be allocated?: Course
Course Cost (R): 345