Duration: 4 hours
Duration (Notional Hours): 4
How must the course hours be allocated?: Course
Course Cost (R): 0
Long Term Enrolment: No
CPD Points: 0
This course is an introduction to condition monitoring highlighting the essential elements for successful condition-based maintenance.
Duration: 24 hours
Duration (Notional Hours): 24
Course Mode of Delivery: Facilitated learning
Accreditation status: No
How must the course hours be allocated?: Course
Course Cost (R): 0
Long Term Enrolment: No
CPD Points: 0
At the end of this course, learners should be able to:
- Describe what “good maintenance” looks like.
- Explain the benefits of good maintenance systems and practices for the company and its employees.
- Describe the work order cycle and the role of everyone in it.
- Explain the importance of giving complete and correct feedback on work orders.
- Explain the negative effects of breakdowns and reactive maintenance.
- Explain the difference between normal wear and tear of components and “forced deterioration”.
- Describe the different maintenance tactics and when each one should be used.
- Explain what you can do to resolve some of the problems with spare parts on site.
- Explain the PDCA cycle and how teams should use their performance measures to drive improvements.
- Understand your role in “good maintenance” and the responsibility to assist in the continuous improvement thereof.
Duration (Notional Hours): 8
Course Mode of Delivery: Facilitated learning
Accreditation status: No
How must the course hours be allocated?: Course
CPD Registration Number: SAAMA2018300
Course Cost (R): 0
Long Term Enrolment: No
CPD Points: 1

Duration: 24 hours
Duration (Notional Hours): 24
Course Mode of Delivery: Facilitated learning
Accreditation status: Yes
How must the course hours be allocated?: Course
Course Cost (R): 0
Long Term Enrolment: No
CPD Points: 0