This annual IT security review is a compulsory requirement for the Tetra Pak ACC team.
Duration: 2.5 hours
Duration: 2.5 hours
Course Mode of Delivery: Elearning
Accreditation status: No
How must the course hours be allocated?: Form
Course Cost (R): 0
Long Term Enrolment: No
CPD Points: 0

This course offers theoretical and practical training on how to manage quick change volume conversions on Tetra Pak filling machines.
Duration: 8.5 hours
Course Mode of Delivery: Elearning
Accreditation status: No
How must the course hours be allocated?: Form
Course Cost (R): 0
Long Term Enrolment: No
CPD Points: 0

This course offers practical training on TPACC activities.
Duration: 40 hours
Course Mode of Delivery: Facilitated learning
Accreditation status: No
How must the course hours be allocated?: Form
Course Cost (R): 0
Long Term Enrolment: No
CPD Points: 0

This training placeholder captures the time spent on Tetra Pak maintenance management theory training.
Duration: 10 hours
Course Mode of Delivery: Facilitated learning
Accreditation status: No
How must the course hours be allocated?: Form
Course Cost (R): 0
Long Term Enrolment: No
CPD Points: 0

This course placeholder captures the time spent on the theoretical and practical training on creating and adapting Tetra Pak maintenance recommendations.
Duration: 20 hours
Course Mode of Delivery: Facilitated learning
Accreditation status: No
How must the course hours be allocated?: Form
Course Cost (R): 0
Long Term Enrolment: No
CPD Points: 0

This course offers training on the theory of Tetra Pak's business transformation process.
Duration: 16 hours
Course Mode of Delivery: Facilitated learning
Accreditation status: No
How must the course hours be allocated?: Form
Course Cost (R): 0
Long Term Enrolment: No
CPD Points: 0