This course introduces new employees to key role players in the company.
Duration: 45 minutes
Duration (Notional Hours): 0.75
Course Mode of Delivery: Elearning
Accreditation status: No
How must the course hours be allocated?: Course
Course Cost (R): 8
These short videos (max 2 mins in length) are featuring one of our “ISIKOBEAT drivers” who went through the detailed theoretical training during the first half of 2020. We asked them to share examples of things / actions / practices in Pragma that are in line with the ISIKOBEAT culture we want to see throughout all of Pragma.
These videos should inspire you to perhaps start practicing a few of the examples in your own teams, to encourage discussion in your teams and to help us secure a simply awesome company culture, ready for the challenges in the years ahead.
Duration: 1 hour
Duration (Notional Hours): 1
Course Mode of Delivery: Elearning
Accreditation status: No
How must the course hours be allocated?: Course
Course Cost (R): 10