This course explains an operator's role in improving asset performance and in in maintenance by looking at asset performance, maintenance work management and maintenance plans.
Format: Classroom (face-to-face)
Duration: 8 hours
Duration (Notional Hours): 8
Course Mode of Delivery: Facilitated learning
Accreditation status: No
How must the course hours be allocated?: Course
Course Cost (R): 0
Long Term Enrolment: No
CPD Points: 0
This classroom course is aimed at entry level employees and should be done in conjunction with the Basic Performance Measurement course. Its objective is to give learners an appreciation of data with its associated dimensions and characteristics.
Duration: 8 hours
Duration (Notional Hours): 8
Course Mode of Delivery: Facilitated learning
Accreditation status: Yes
How must the course hours be allocated?: Course
CPD Registration Number: SAAMA2018384
Course Cost (R): 9300
Long Term Enrolment: No
CPD Points: 3